Sometimes it might make sense to set all your buckets consistency level to “available”, in case you are doing maintenance tasks and you have one node down most of the time.
The default “read-after-write” policy should work ok, unless your clients start doing HEAD operations which will lead to get 500 errors when Storagegrid is unable to reach the consistency level.
In order to change all the consistency level of all your buckets at once, we can use an API call to do that, we have define it as follows:
def get_consistency_level(tenant_authtoken,bucket_name):
headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + tenant_authtoken }
return requests.get (_url('/api/v3/org/containers/{}/consistency'.format(bucket_name)), headers=headers , verify=verify)
def set_consistency_level(tenant_authtoken,bucket_name,level):
headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + tenant_authtoken,
"accept": "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json"
'consistency': level
r = requests.put(_url('/api/v3/org/containers/{}/consistency').format(bucket_name), json=data, headers=headers, verify=verify)
return r
Then we go though all the buckets and change the consistency level:
response = get_tenants_accounts(auth_token)
if response.status_code != 200:
raise Exception('POST //api/v3/grid/accounts?limit=25 {}'.format(response.status_code) + " Error: "+response.json()["message"]["text"] )
#For each tenant account get the buckets:
for items in response.json()['data']:
#print('Account tenant id: {}, Tenant Name: {}'.format(items['id'], items['name']))
buckets_response=get_storage_usage_in_tenant( tenantid , auth_token)
tenant_auth=get_tenant_token(api_user,api_passwd, tenantid).json()["data"]
for buckets in buckets_response.json()['data']['buckets']:
print ('Tenant name: {} Bucket name: {} Consistency Level: {}' .format (items['name'],buckets['name'],get_consistency_level(tenant_auth,buckets['name']).json()['data']))
if setresponse.status_code != 200:
raise Exception('POST set consistency level: {}'.format(setresponse.status_code) + " Error: "+setresponse.json()["message"]["text"] )